The human body becomes more vulnerable to dehydration as it ages. The elderly have a decreased ability to conserve water and an increased risk of chronic conditions that affect hydration levels.

Dehydration is a serious condition that can lead to hospitalisation and even death, especially among the elderly. It is important to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatments of dehydration in the elderly, as well as how to prevent it. In this article, we will discuss 7 easy ways to avoid dehydration in older adults and promote optimal hydration.


Causes and Symptoms of Dehydration in the Elderly

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to an imbalance in electrolytes and other essential nutrients. There are many factors that contribute to dehydration in the elderly, including:

  • Chronic conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and dementia that affect hydration levels
  • Medications that can increase urination or cause diarrhoea
  • Reduced thirst sensation due to ageing
  • Limited mobility that can make it difficult to access fluids

The early signs of dehydration in the elderly can be subtle and easily overlooked. Some of the common symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Dry mouth and throat
  • Dark-coloured urine
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Confusion or disorientation

It is important to recognise the early signs of dehydration and take action promptly to prevent further complications. Find out more about dehydration in older adults.


7 Easy Ways to Avoid Dehydration in Older Adults

7 Easy Ways to Avoid Dehydration in Older Adults

Staying hydrated is essential for everyone, but it's particularly important for older adults. Here are seven easy ways for older adults to stay hydrated in old age and avoid dehydration.

  1. Drink Plenty of Fluids
  2. Eat Water-Rich Foods
  3. Monitor Medications
  4. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine
  5. Use a Humidifier
  6. Wear Light Clothing
  7. Monitor Your Urine Colour
  8. **Bonus tip**

Drink Plenty of Fluids

The most obvious way to avoid dehydration is to drink plenty of fluids, particularly water. But how much fluid intake is recommended for older adults? The recommended water intake for adults is about 6 to 8 glasses or 1.2 litres of water per day. However, this can vary depending on individual needs, such as activity level, climate, and overall health. It's also important to note that some of the water we consume comes from food and other beverages, not just plain water. Therefore, it's important to maintain a balanced diet and listen to your body's thirst cues to ensure proper hydration.

Eat Water-Rich Foods

In addition to drinking fluids, older adults can stay hydrated by eating water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. Foods such as watermelon, cucumbers, and lettuce have high water content and can help you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Monitor Medications

Some medications can cause dehydration, particularly diuretics. Diuretics are commonly prescribed to older adults to treat high blood pressure, heart failure, and other conditions. If you're taking diuretics, talk to your healthcare provider about how to manage the side effects and stay hydrated in old age.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine can both cause dehydration, so it's important to avoid or limit them. If you do drink alcohol or caffeine, make sure to drink plenty of water and other fluids to stay hydrated.

Use a Humidifier

Dry air can cause dehydration, particularly in the winter months when the air is dry and heated indoors. Using a humidifier can help add moisture to the air and prevent dehydration.

Wear Light Clothing

When it's hot outside, wearing light clothing can help regulate your body temperature and prevent dehydration. Light-coloured and loose-fitting clothes are particularly effective at keeping you cool and hydrated.

Monitor Your Urine Colour

One easy way to check if you're hydrated is to monitor your urine colour. Dark yellow or amber-coloured urine is a sign of dehydration, while light yellow or clear urine is a sign of adequate hydration.

Bonus tip: Use Reminders

One effective way for older adults to stay hydrated is by using reminders. In a study conducted in the UK, researchers found that the use of reminder apps led to a significant increase in water intake among older adults. There are various reminder apps that can help individuals track their water intake and remind them to drink fluids throughout the day. In this regard, PCL Connect tablet, which is specifically designed for older adults to stay on top of their health and wellbeing.

PCL Connect Temperature Reminders

The PCL Connect tab allows caregivers to set reminders for drinking water for the elderly adults and track their daily water intake. The app provides visual reminders in the form of notifications, which prompt the user to drink water at regular intervals. 

The PCL Connect tab also provides other features such as medication reminders, health vitals tracking, voice calling, and photo sharing. The app is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it an ideal tool for older adults who may not be familiar with complex smartphone apps.


Dehydration is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that affects many elderly individuals. It is important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of dehydration and take steps to prevent it. By following these 7 easy ways to stay hydrated in old age, you can promote optimal hydration and maintain good health and wellbeing.

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