What is the standard delivery time for the PCL Connect tab and/or the PCL Watch to be delivered?

Standard Delivery Time Information

Once you have placed an order, we will process your order and prepare it for shipment. On average, it takes us 10-15 business days as standard delivery time to deliver the device to your door. This time frame may vary based on your location and other factors, such as shipping carrier availability and local delivery schedules.

We take the delivery of your device very seriously to ensure that your device is delivered on time, every time. Our team will keep you informed throughout the process, so you know exactly when your device is expected to arrive.

So if you are looking for a fast, convenient, and reliable way to stay connected with seniors and support their health and wellness, look no further than PCL Connect. With our easy-to-use platform and fast delivery, seniors can start using your device right away and stay connected with your caregivers, family, and friends.